Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Donna's Dragonfly Miniatures at 337 Sketch Gallery, Hamilton (Oct 11-29).

"Dragonfly days", "Waiting", "Watching". These paintings are all 4"x5" acrylic on canvas, Donna Grandin, 2012.

 This summer, I camped at Long Point Provincial Park, Ontario with my family, and one morning while everyone else was fishing off a dock, I roamed along the banks of the inlet with my camera. The area was teaming with life, in between the lily pads and moss, there were frogs, dragonflies and here and there a snapping turtle would raise its head, or swim away if startled.

I've always wanted to paint dragonflies, there's something so attractive about their body proportions, the double set of wings counterbalancing the long narrow body. They're like miniature aeroplanes, zooming around on some crazy flight plan. After a while of observing, and taking photographs, it occurred to me how much more I see, understand, and appreciate about Nature because of my art.

"Dragonfly days" is sold, but the other two paintings are in an upcoming group exhibition of miniatures,  337 Sketch Gallery, 337 Ottawa St., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Regular gallery hours are Thurs - Sat 11-6pm, Sun 12-5pm.

"56 artist's are participating in the Miniature Show. 150 paintings are being hung on the walls.
Opening Night is Oct. 11 from 7-9 pm. The Show dates are Oct 12-29th."